Monday, December 31, 2012

Where the hell I have been, and other news!

So I haven't posted in a good while.  I have made a little bit of progress on multiple projects, but my biggest project has been a big.  I got hired by my FLGS to open up their second location.  With only slightly less than a month to do it.  And with no real distributors lined up.  It's been rough.  It has also been unbelievably rewarding.  I've been doing so much work that my insomnia hasn't been an issue in like two weeks now, and I'm making very good money from the LLC that owns it.

The new store is called Mandatory Fun.  For any of you military folk out there, that phrase has a very special meaning, haha.  For those of you without exposure to the suck that is mandatory fun, it's a term used to describe a horribly planned unit event, that is supposedly fun but never is, and you better go or else you're screwed.  If you're asking yourself, "Why would they name a store after that?", it's because it's a military themed store.  It's not even a true game store.  We carry military themed apparel, books, hold workshops for Veterans who want to learn how to write, get published, etc, and while we do carry board games, card games, and tabletop minis, they are all military based games.

While this is fairly far away from my big focus on 40k at the moment, it allows me to paint my own Dust stuff, create a league, and get paid in the process.  It works out rather nicely in fact.  As a Veteran myself, I also really do get pleasure out of working with soldiers and Veterans as well.

Anyways, the store opens tomorrow, so once it gets a regular battle rhythm going, I'll be painting and posting more.  Until then though, have a wonderful new year, and may the dice gods be ever in your favor!


  1. That's awesome to hear, man! Best of luck with the new store, I'll definitely check it out next time I get down south.

    Have a great new year!

    1. Yeah, if you ever come down this way, you should! It's also only 1 stop light away from our main store, Dragons and Dragoons, which is where every other game is, haha.

  2. My new photo booth shows up this week, so once I have it set up I am going to try it out and I'll post the pictures up everyone! Sorry again for the delay!
