Friday, March 23, 2012

Excuses and a sale!

So, for those of you wondering where I have been, I recently just got finished with an accelerated 5 week quarter in college that was a LOT more work than I thought it would be.  While I came out victorious somehow, I have not managed to get anything done hobby wise.  I have a two week break starting this weekend, followed by a normal school schedule this coming quarter, so I am hoping to work on the table again as well as all of my other projects. 

However, I am trying to clear out my giant collection of models I don't use, so the first to hit ebay is my Chaos Warhound Titan and weapons.  If you haven't seen it, there are quite a few pictures of it on my Chaos Gallery.  It was a labor of love, but it takes up a considerable amount of space and nobody locally wants to play Apoc, so it's value is decreasing in my eyes.  I have started the bidding at $500, which is $60 less than retail, so when you take into account that it is fully painted with magnetized weapons, it's quite the deal.  Anyways, I have to finish a last minute essay that is due tomorrow morning, so I am off, but be on the look out over the next week or two for new work from me.  Cheers!

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